Who we are

After over 10 years of self loathing, negative story telling, putting my needs last, a traumatic third child birth and a big health scare, I FINALLY realised we only get one life to live, and one body to live it in. So I better make the rest of it count!

That moment in time, took me on an adventure (I don’t like that overused J word) with many changes in the physical for all to see, but the biggest change of all was in my mind and my spirit.

I regained my confidence, recaptured my self-worth, became in tune with my body and how it speaks to me, and realised I had lost ten years of my one life, to negative storytelling and was not wasting another minute being unhappy.

I figured if I was like this, many others (women in particular) were too. This is where my passion was lit. I wanted to coach and support as many as I could, to change their stories and begin their self-discovery adventure.

That is my mission. To help you find your worth, your confidence and be open to a positive mindset for your future and all that it holds.

I would love to support you to create your future and all the adventures you wish to go on.

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